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Sapphire watch crystal

Among the materials used as watch crystals, the sapphire crystal has the highest quality and is the most robust and durable.

As the window to your timepiece, the watch crystal takes some of the hardest hits and is the brunt of everyday wear and tear. There are 3 main types of watch crystal:

Plastic / Acrylic; Mineral Glass; Synthetic Sapphire;


Sapphire crystals are relatively expensive is that the tools required to cut and polish this extremely hard material are very costly.) Sapphire is one of the hardest substances on earth. It measures 9 on the Mohs scale, which is a system for rating the relative hardness of various materials. (Diamond measures 10, the highest rating.) Watch crystals made of synthetic sapphire are often marketed as “scratch resistant” or “virtually scratchproof” because they are very difficult to scratch. We are advocates of sapphire crystals.